GRA - 3rd class painting
With brown paper we made an interior. We took pictures from different angles.
At home we were supposed to paint these in color. Not the color we know the paper has but the color we actually see.
In the first painting, I tried to stay true to the natural colors. Very quickly I got frustrated because I couldn't get the colors I wanted. Or I didn't mix enough on the plate, ran out of it and never managed to get the same color I needed again. Then spreading it on the paper. What a drama. The paint is never on the tip of the brush, but more at the base of the hairs. How do I do this? The paint doesn't cover the paper the way I want. It's transparent when I want it to be thick, and vice versa. Also a problem, changing something when the paint is still wet. Or making a straight line. I am such a klutz.
I go back to something I like and that feels comfortable. The collage.