GRA - 6th class painting
We always start the afternoon with discussing the work from the previous class. I am always nervous. I am excited too, and eager to show what I've been working on.
I painted two of my high heels. The space in between forms an interesting illusion. It's the first time in this class that I feel I made a good painting. And the teacher seems to agree.
In the class we get our last assignment from this teacher, Next week we'll move on to Sculpture. In an earlier class we had to pick a painting we liked and describe why. I choose 'Song of the lark' by Jules Breton, that I saw last Spring in the Art Institute in Chicago.

I love her pose, after a long day's work, listening for a bird that one can hardly see in the painting. The fainting light. The light in the background, and not on the main character in this painting. She's not quite done, it's almost time to go home, but she takes a moment to pause... Such serenity.
My last assignment is to paint light in the background. I have chosen to take a little doll and place her in front of the window. First I sketch her in charcoal. There's not enough time to finish the painting so I also take a picture to help finishing it at home where it is still on my easel waiting for completion.
In the class we get our last assignment from this teacher, Next week we'll move on to Sculpture. In an earlier class we had to pick a painting we liked and describe why. I choose 'Song of the lark' by Jules Breton, that I saw last Spring in the Art Institute in Chicago.

My last assignment is to paint light in the background. I have chosen to take a little doll and place her in front of the window. First I sketch her in charcoal. There's not enough time to finish the painting so I also take a picture to help finishing it at home where it is still on my easel waiting for completion.