GRA - 1st class sculpture

Same group, new teacher. So nervous again. What a roller coaster this journey is!
After the introduction, we divide up in groups of 4 and look for a room or space in the Academy. The assignment is to change the function of this space.
Our group chooses the hall on the second floor. There are some elements there that inspire us immediately. A long table, a sign with white letters and a little shelf to leave food and drinks before entering the computer room. They inspire us to make a church, a holy place, a place of silence. What a contrast with a hall that everybody uses to walk through! We turn the table in an altar, the shelf will be the place at the entrance where the holy water sits, and the sign is to indicate the opening times of the Academy Church.
I love the dynamic in our group. We all pull out things from random places to help create this image. We spend a lot of time on the Christ figure behind the altar. We use our bodies, a banana (!) and finally find a mirror, that reflects the light of the fluorescent lamps on the ceiling. When you approach the altar the reflection of the light shifts to the reflection of you. What a beautiful metaphor for finding light (and God) in one self!
The teacher walks in from time to time and gives us things to think about. Like:
  • think about every element in your space. Is it random? Or did you put it there consciously? Everything must have a reason. As creator of your space, you have power over this space. Sculpture is all about power.
  • The creator of the sculpture makes the rules. How does the viewer see and experience the sculpture?
We experience that last point when we show our work to the other students. The effect of the atmosphere we so carefully tried to communicate is gone when the space is full. So we direct every one out and only make the space accessible for three people at a time. The space then forces people to be quiet and the strange sound from the airconditioning of the building highlights this effect.

Reflection: I notice I am referring constantly to universal images (from the Western civilization) and that I feel a need to re-create this images. There is no need for me to change them, just to undress them and feel what is left.

More thoughts:
  • What is, but that I choose not to see, will still be visible to the other.
  • What is not, is not visible the either of us. Or is it?
  • Does that what is, has to be visible, in order to be noticed?
  • My experience of space is dependent on the presence of people and objects in that space.
  • The atmosphere in a space changes when I put a lock on the door, move or remove the window, add noise, apply an aroma and add objects.
  • As a creator I can influence the experience of the other.