Creating Marie
On my to-do-list today I wrote:
- baking almond cookies (I didn't)
- moving the couch (I did)
- dusting (I didn't)
- vacuum cleaning (I did)
- writing (I didn't, until now when I should be cooking dinner for my starving children)
- researching website building (I did)
- washing the windows (I didn't, but my husband did - sort of)
I should compliment myself that I got half of the things done that I set out to do today. I could have easily gotten all seven of my chores done, since there was no doll making in the planning.
However here is the evidence of what I spent most of my day doing.
Who is this new creature? An angel or a dancer?
Male or female?
As soon as I give them eyes, their soul appears.
Ah, Marie it is.
Giving her a bit more lips.
This is the moment when I have to stop touching her face.
Even though it's not quite done, I will leave her like this while I continue working on her body.