First class MK24

On Monday September 14, I bike to the east side of Amsterdam to MK24. It's an old school where they offer a broad spectrum of arts. I chose Basic Drawing and Painting for 16 lessons of 3 hours each. I feel like I haven't painted since I was teenager, and I am dedicated to find out if painting is my thing.
The first lesson, we choose a household object and try to sketch it in charcoal from different angles. I feel hesitant, not confident at all, but put my best foot forward. The teacher is gentle and encouraging. Meanwhile, everyone in the class is trying to find a way with the material, and with themselves. Halfway we inspect each others' work, which is humbling, but also inspiring.
The second assignment is to isolate a part of the object and draw it in an abstract way. I am trying not to over-think my decisions, and just draw what comes to my hand. Unfortunately that doesn't work too well and I experience a need to make a plan in my head. But that brings new problems to the work, because it's not that easy to make my hand do what my mind thinks.
This is more difficult than I envisioned. I am tired when I clean up my easel. Being very critical, I do not photograph my work. I think about it a lot in the coming days, and find new solutions. In my head only. I do not free up time to try them out.